It's a pleasure to pass on knowledge, information and years of experience in courses.
From 2014, I was invited to the GEA Academy as a speaker and, still, I enjoy teaching in the Waldviertel. The focus is on "soap boiling and ointment cooking", "natural cosmetics", "make your own soft soap and ecological washing alternatives" and "the healing power of roots".
From 2015, I began working as a lecturer at the Vitalakademie in the training course "Kräuterpädagoge/in" in Vienna, Lower Austria and Graz. Teaching topics are "soap boiling and herbal washing alternatives", "natural cosmetics", "the healing power of roots", "smoking" and "plant ingredients".
Till today, working with and teaching people is enriching to me.
My next dates for soap boiling workshops
Intensive soap boiling: 15.10.23 (fully booked), 25.11.23, 09.12.23
Soap boiling for advanced: 26.11.23
Individual coaching
On request, I am happy to offer individual coachings. Through many years of practical experience, I have been able to acquire lots of knowledge. Often, special questions or recurring problems arise in the production of soaps.
If you want to turn your hobby into a profession, self-employment can also be a topic.
Maybe you own a company and want to offer your own soap collection in addition but need support in the process of recipe development? The commercialization of cosmetic products is linked with a lot of bureaucracy. There are many legal requirements and hurdles to overcome.
I will be happy to answer your questions on the following topics:
Trade regulations, business registration
Safety assessments - product information files
Individual soap recipes/recipe development
Advertising statements
Notifications in the EU
Industrial premises
Labelling of cosmetic products
Natural cosmetics or certified natural cosmetics
Food controls
Please send your request by e-mail to:
Zufriedene Kunden
"This is my second soap boiling course and I am really excited!
Having already mastered the basics of soap boiling, it's a good thing that there's a lot of emphasis on appearance and coloring in the course where you can try all kinds of new things!
I especially like Barbara's approach of using only natural raw materials and color additives."
Reem Al Kaisy
"I think the soap boiling course is just awesome. The course was super structured with theory at the beginning and a lot of practice in the afternoon. In a pleasant ambience, the process of soap boiling was explained to us clearly, simply and with an essential focus on mindfulness when dealing with hazardous materials."
"Thanks to your course, I have a new hobby: making natural cosmetics myself. We were allowed to take many bars of soap, which was a particular highlght. The papers Barbara handed out to us are really detailed. Her book is the perfect supplement to continue working well at home."